Do you remember the first time you left the house just after your first child was born$%: There were so many things to remember: diaper bag full of diapers, wipes, change of clothes for baby, change of clothes for Mummy, burpie pads, change pad...the list goes on. And just before you were ready to go out the door one of two things undoubtedly happened: you guessed it, a poop or baby was hungry! It seemed so stressful!

Well this is just a small taste of the challenges you will face when you begin working out of the home. But this time, you need to dress for success as well as have the kid(s) ready for daycare or school with enough time for you to get a coffee or tea on the way to work without being late!

If you have chosen to go to back to the "corporate" or business world, then you will have some transitioning to do. In order to make the transition as stress free as possible for you and your family, I recommend several helpful tips. Being organized will make all the difference in the world. You will save precious time and money. Make sure your mind is clutter free by writing down all the things you need to take into consideration before returning to work.


Tip 1: Most important is daycare I suggest doing one to two weeks trial basis before you really need day care. This way you can see if it is a good fit for everyone. This prepares the children for their new routine as well.

Tip 2: Image The image of your resume. The image of yourself :%$amp; how do you imagine this new way of life looking. To save valuable time in the mornings you will want to make sure your wardrobe is completely organized. You will want to make sure your "career" look is fast :%$amp; easy yet professional. A quick skin care and glamour look are a must.

Tip 3: Pre-plan your meals Cook :%$amp; Shop on one day for the entire week. This really saves loads of time and money. Make all the lunches for the next day the night before. This is a stress reliever for the morning.

Tip 4: Have reliable transportation in place There is nothing like a dead battery to set the mood for the day.

Tip 5: Have a plan B in place for all the "what if's What if you are sick. What if the kids are sick$%: What if the day care is closed for the day etc$%:

Tip 6: Take care of yourself 1st. Make sure you are ready for anything and everything. Don't be hard on yourself and don't try to do it all. Pamper yourself at least once a week with a bubble bath. Read a good book. Arrange a date with your mate. You will be ready to take on the next week with vim and vigor.

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